Team Switzerland NZ
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Welcome to Switzerland!

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Welcome to Switzerland! Empty Welcome to Switzerland!

Post by Vampire Girl Sun May 23, 2010 10:10 pm

A neutral territory for all NZ Twilight fans to hang out. We don't care if you are a vampire or wolf or even human!

Here at Switzerland the main important factor is of course Twilight! A few guidelines have been put in place for your own safety and well being.

*Admin will be transparent - if there is a need to remove a member or delete threads then it will be up for full discussion and a forum decision as to course of action.
*The forum has been made private so only members can view our threads.
*A zero tolerance to lurkers and trolls - inactivate accounts and false accounts will be removed.
*Any images or content posted from other sites remain property of their rightful owner, Team Switzerland will not be held responsible for any content posted on this site.
* A zero tolerance to personal attacks on other members or other sites. We are a peaceful nation.
* If you have any issues at all, please send me an email and we will discuss the problem.
Vampire Girl
Vampire Girl

Posts : 130
Join date : 2010-05-23
Age : 43

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